
4th FR - CZ Barrande workshop on Nanotechnologies ­ Photonics & Electronics

was held at the IEMN laboratory February 1st - 3rd 2023

The workshop was a success! Thanks to all participants both in person and online


This annual workshop is organised alternately in France and Czech Republic with as main aim to promote ongoing and foster new bilateral collaboration between research laboratories from both countries in the broad field of nanotechnologies. Invited presentations will give a selection of current spearheading research activities in the broad domains of photonics, spintronics, nanoelectronics, spectroscopy and THz technology. Invited French and Czech speakers will give an overview of latest ongoing research in a selection of laboratories of both countries, revealing complementary expertise and research interests.


The workshop will consist of 19 invited talks, along with a poster session intended for local and Czech student & postdoctoral participants on the opening night accompanied by a welcome drink .


Confirmed Invited talks:

  • Frank Hindle (LPCA, Université Littoral Côte d’Opale, Dunkerque): Instrumentation for High Resolution THz Spectroscopy

  • Béatrice Dagens (C2N, CNRS Université Paris Saclay):Magneto-plasmonic slot waveguides

  • Sukhdeep Dhillon (LPENS, CNRS Université Paris Sorbonne):Ultrafast Terahertz Photocurrents in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

  • Fabio Pavanello (INL, CNRS Ecole Centrale Lyon): Harnessing complexity in photonics for neuromorphic computing and security applications

  • Henri Jaffrès (UMPhy Thales, Ecole Polytechnique): Dynamical spin-charge conversion at the surface of topological insulators probed by THz-TDS spectroscopy

  • Frédéric Teppe (L2C, CNRS Université Montpellier):Terahertz cyclotron emission from Dirac fermions

  • Jon Gorchon (IJL, CNRS Université de Lorraine Nancy):THz spin currents

  • Mathieu Jeannin (C2N, CNRS Université Paris Saclay):Strong light-matter interaction and optical non-linearities for novel mid-IR devices

  • Alberto Amo (PHLAM, CNRS Université Lille):Artificial magnetism and topology in photonic lattices

  • Milan Orlita (LNCMI, CNRS, Grenoble): Magneto-optics of layered antiferromagnets
  • Cristiane Nascimento Santos (IEMN, CNRS Université Lille):THz scanning near-field optical microscopy

  • Tomas Jungwirth (Dept Spintronics, FZU Prague):From ultrafast antiferromagnetic spintronics to altermagnetism

  • Petr Kužel (THz spectroscopy, Institute Physics, FZU Prague):Ultrafast THz photoconductivity in GaAs nanobars: charge carrier confinement beyond geometry

  • Jiří Hlinka (Dept Dielectrics, FZU Prague):Ferroelectric skyrmions and vortexons

  • Martin Veis (Institute of Physics, Charles University, Prague):Magneto-optical spectroscopy as a probe to electronic structure and magnetism of materials and nanostructures

  • Jakub Zázvorka (Institute of Physics, Charles University, Prague):Engineering of magnetic coercivity and saturation magnetization by interface modification

  • Kamil Postava (Institute of Physics, Technical University Ostrava):THz time domain spectroscopic ellipsometry

  • Tomáš Šikola (CEITEC&Institute of Physical Engineering, FME, BUT, Brno):Plasmonic approach in THz EPR

  • Jiří Petráček (Institute of Physical Engineering, FME, BUT, Brno): Photonic waveguides and waveguide arrays with bound states in the continuum


This event is co-hosted by the French embassy in Prague

Mme Veronique Debord-Lazaro (Attaché Scientifique) will be present to answer questions regarding bilateral cooperation and present the different “Cooperation tools to support Czech-French scientific cooperation”





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